Sunday, November 12, 2006


Don't know how you all plan to celebrate but I'm off to Oklahoma at the invitation of a fantastic school librarian by the name of Jami Gates. I've been invited to be a "writer in residence" at the Cross Timbers Elementary School in Tecumseh for a couple of days where I'll be doing some Pond Scum reading and creative writer workshopping and I even have a local library visit thrown in too!

I've never had the pleasure of participating in Children's Book Week (certainly not as an author) but I couldn't think of a better way to be involved. In case you're stuck trying to figure out how to celebrate - here are some ideas from the Children's Book Council!

Can't wait to tell you all about the visit. The school has theme days all week; while I'm there Tuesday is Pajama Day and Wednesday is Come to School As Your Favorite Book Character Day. Big fun!!!!

Happy Children's Book Week to everyone!
Reading Rocks!

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