Saturday, January 12, 2008


Confession: I never was a Boy Scout (though I do have a vague memory of being a Cub Scout - or maybe that's confused with tagging along with my sisters' Brownie Troop to go to the Wonder Bread factory that made your whole soul smell like hot, sweet dough!) I am thrilled to announce I have been asked by BOY'S LIFE magazine to write a short story for them.

The significance is two-fold: A) They asked me out of the blue (which is way better than sending hundreds of SASE submissions and keeping your fingers crossed) and B) it gives me a great mid-winter push to jump into the creative water with a "small" idea, something I can have a blast writing without the heavy baggage of hundreds of pages and plot details*!

(*this is not to diminish the difficulties of writing short fiction - which I know is no picnic and I have nothing but praise for anyone who can master telling a great story in mere pages)

So now I get to let my mind wander into strange and funny territory and then pitch a few ideas to the editor...I'm thinking something with Giant Bugs.....

I'll keep ya posted.

And in a totally unrelated burp: I just LOVE this animated video of the They Might Be Giants song "The Mesopotamians" - ya gotta love these guys!!! And a major shout-out to DRAWN for giving me the link to the animated genius of David Cowles.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the BOY'S LIFE call. It must be a great feeling when they come looking for you.

And I loved the video clip! Thanks.

SilberBook-Blog said...

Thanks Laura - I keep discovering that every time I start to fill with "writer self-doubt" a literary angel descends with a reminder that I'm on the right path.

As you can imagine - this 'out of the blue' request put me back where I belong.


Disco Mermaids said...

That is awesome!!!

I was never a Boy Scout, either. I was in the Y Indian Guides (though it's called something different now). But I subscribed to Boy's Life and loved it.


- Jay

SilberBook-Blog said...

Thanks Jay - I've never heard of "Indian Guides". Sounds like way more fun than "scouts".