Sunday, May 02, 2010


I used to be an early adopter of all things tech but have to admit I was resistant to joining Facebook mainly because the last thing this attention deficicient writer needs is something else that I can check up on and obsess over.

But alas, I didst succumb to the siren's song. (Okay, the siren was my editor and marketing exec at Aladdin - and their song was more of a pleasant chat). So here I am on FACEBOOK. Yay. And yes, I am wasting all sorts of time, thankfully avoiding building farms or becoming a hit man - but still I am now watching my wall grow and staring at the stream of comments from people I know, or sort of know, or know someone I know or once knew. Phew...

I know we writers are supposed to be the leaders of our own PR parades and that's why I jumped in. With MILO just a mere 4 months away from pub date I know that I need to be doing everything I can to be visible. And as much as I kicked and screamed about social media - I am having lots of fun posting and linking and commenting and counting "friends" like a growing number of jellybeans in a jar (which is always within reach of my wandering desktop mind).

So if you're reading this and want to know what I'm thinking and linking to - come on over. But if you expect me to link to a Twitter account I'm still resisting that one...this week.


BookMoot said...

Fun to "see" you on FB! I don't ponder often enough of cleverly enough to do much with my Twitter account.

SilberBook-Blog said...

Nice to hi Camille. So far - I'm happy with the facebook stream of things. No bets on whether I'll become a tweeter too!

Anonymous said...

I was reluctant to join Facebook, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it once I joined. I don't do any of the games--except I do have a continuous game of Scrabble going with a friend, but I only take a turn once every few days--which are, I think, the real Time Suck. Photos and wall posts are a nice way to network, communicate with patrons, and get a sense of what my far-flung friends are up to.

I even more reluctantly started a Twitter account for the Children's Room a month or so ago. I cannot get the hang of posting there, but mostly I just put programs up. I figure it might be a good way for hip parents to keep track of what we're up to? Maybe? I'm trying it, anyway. I see them all there typing away on their mobile devices. They're looking at SOMETHING.

SilberBook-Blog said...

A - I know your pain. I am still staring at my twitter home page and wondering 1) what to do and 2) why would I want to do it?